Call Center Evaluation
Bevatel provides the latest call center evaluation' techniques for commercial activities and establishments to evaluate the service provided to the customers and evaluate the staff performance in general.
Call Center Evaluation

What is Call center evaluation?
Call center evaluation is one of the latest techniques and tools that marketing departments in many commercial activities and establishments depend on to track and analyze the integrated contact center performance and recognize weakness and strength points.
Call center evaluation focuses on customer service, telesales, or technical support performance and contact center evaluating in general, as follows:-
The calls made by every agent.
The calls received by every agent.
Every call duration and the average call duration.
How many seconds within the calls were received?
To what extent, the agents committed to the official working hours.
How the agents replied to the inquiries and how they solved their problems.
The number of new customers got by calls.
Customers’ satisfaction about your establishment services, products, and about customer service staff performance in general.
Call center performance is evaluated through several methods that Bevatel provides to commercial activities and establishments contact center.Before writing quality evaluation methods for commercial activities and establishments, we will highlight the importance of call center evaluation in the next paragraph.
Establishments Call Center Quality Evaluation
The commercial activities and establishments evaluate their contact center for many reasons and advantages that help them upgrade their performance.
We can explain the contact center performance evaluation’ importance in some points briefly, as follows:-
The target customers’ needs, attitudes and problems recognition.
Contact center weakness and strength points’ recognition.
The real calls number & the agent number needed for the contact center.
Importance points mentioned here are not all the call center quality evaluation methods' importance and advantages for companies and establishments. But there are many advantages that you can benefit from to evaluate call quality. And we can write about them in the following articles.Call Center Quality Performance
Bevatel cloud call center includes many tools and techniques that help commercial activities and establishments evaluate their call center quality.
Live panel and performance reports are the most important techniques that you can benefit from to evaluate your customer service staff performance.
Live Panel
The live panel in the Bevatel cloud call center system provides many features and techniques that enable you to evaluate your business or establishment call center quality.
You can track your business or establishment contact center staff's performance periodically and live through the live panel that provides you with many details about the current calls.
This panel enables you to listen to the contact center calls live and guide the agents in private.
This live panel also allows you to correct info during the call and end the calling for any reason.
Also, there are many features and details that the live panel provides you with to track and evaluate call center quality cloudly, periodically, and remotely.
Performance Reports
Bevatel cloud call center includes a reports system that provides many reports that help you evaluate and upgrade the staff performance.
These reports provide many details about received, missed calls, calls duration, and the times in that the agent was offline.
These reports provide many in-depth details about contact center calls, complaints, orders, and inquiries.
Call Center Evaluation
Call quality evaluation service after calling helps you get customers' feedback about call center agents and the service provided in general; make sure that the customers got the technical support needed.