SMS Service

More rapid communication, more sales & better customer experience anywhere! Contact your customers via SMS, the preferred service for businesses in the Middle East!.

SMS Service

SMS Service

Bevatel SMS Service makes you always near to your customers!

Bevatel offers a short message service for establishments and commercial activities. Then they can communicate with existing, new, and prospective customers with an individual or group text message that reaches their mobile phones in a few seconds, wherever they are, with many advantages and options for various purposes of marketing and sales campaigns at the lowest costs.

85% of consumers prefer receiving SMS text messages over communicating via mobile or e-mail.

SMS Service from bevatel

Bevatel SMS Service makes you always near to your customers!

Bevatel offers a short message service for establishments and commercial activities. Then they can communicate with existing, new, and prospective customers with an individual or group text message that reaches their mobile phones in a few seconds, wherever they are, with many advantages and options for various purposes of marketing and sales campaigns at the lowest costs.

85% of consumers prefer receiving SMS text messages over communicating via mobile or e-mail.

Multiple features from Bevatel make you always stay connected with your customers with SMS!

SMS scheduling
SMS scheduling
Individual or Bulk messages
Individual or Bulk messages
Regular updating of numbers
Regular updating of numbers
User-friendly control panel
User-friendly control panel
Send message by Business / Establishment Name
Send message by Business / Establishment Name
Full coverage of mobile networks
Full coverage of mobile networks
Detailed reports and analytics
Detailed reports and analytics for all messages
More flexible distribution platform
More flexible distribution platform

More Effective Successful Campaigns!

More Effective Successful Campaigns

More Effective Successful Campaigns!

SMS text messaging service from Bevatel enables you to conduct successful and more effective marketing campaigns to reach the largest possible number of your target customers anywhere and at the lowest costs.

Communicate with all your customers with Bulk SMS customized!

The SMS service from Bevatel allows you to send Bulk SMS messages in one go to a group of mobile numbers of your target or existing customers with the ability to customize SMS to each customer separately.

For example: You can send Bulk messages once to a group of contacts. And you can write data for each customer or add variable content in the message body.

Communicate with all your customers with Bulk SMS customized!

Communicate with all your customers with Bulk SMS customized!

Schedule messages for more rapid and easier communications with customers!

Define contacts

Select the day, date, and hour of sending

Modify the content of the message

Modify the sender's name or the time and date

Schedule messages for more rapid and easier communications with customers!

جدولة Schedule messages for more rapid and easier communications with customers

More Rapid notifications and updates to customers in real-time with one click!

More Rapid notifications and updates to customers in real-time with one click

More Rapid notifications and updates to customers in real-time with one click!

Payment and subscription reminders

Activation and Cancellation Alerts

Consumption Updates

New Offers


Updates in services and products

SMS Service via More Flexible Distribution Platform

SMS Service via More Flexible Distribution Platform

You can conduct SMS campaigns via the Bevatel platform directly or create a platform to send messages through your website using the Bevatel service provider.

Real-time tracking for your consumption and SMS campaigns!

Bevatel enables you to periodically track SMS consumption and the remaining in your package through detailed reports and analytics on your campaigns.

Frequently Asked Questions

During the connection to the API system, which allows sending messages through the site to an electronic via the bevatel SMS system.

- Sending SMS to one person or a large group of people.
- The system is equipped with the ability to update numbers and abandon duplicate numbers and incorrect numbers.
- The system is equipped with the fastest and easiest control panel to use with multiple advantages.
- Messages can direct customers to the company's application or website.
- Provide the system with the ability to schedule messages and automatically send them to customers at specific times.
- Bevatel's SMS service can cover all mobile networks in Saudi Arabia.
- Produce detailed reports on customer data and problems they face.

Choose between the SMS packages and contact us via our account and you will be contacted as soon as possible.
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