Unified number in Saudi Arabia

Get the Unified number in Saudi Arabia from Bevatel for institutions and commercial activities to communicate with your target customers with multiple professional benefits to make and receive calls at the lowest costs in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Unified number in Saudi Arabia

Unified number in Saudi Arabia

What is the Unified number in Saudi Arabia for establishments?

A unified number is an easy-to-remember number that starts with 9200 and enables you to make and receive the number required of concurrent calls to your organization or business. It also provides you with many professional features and options that help you communicate with your target customers through the best cloud call center system in Saudi Arabia from Bevatel.

Bevatel provides the unified number 9200 service for Saudi institutions and commercial activities with many advantages and at the lowest costs. In addition, Bevatel provides you with multiple options. So you can choose a unique and suitable number for you.

In general, all the 9200 unified numbers provided by Bevatel are distinctive and easy to remember, approved and licensed by the Saudi Communications and Information Technology Commission, and certified by STC.

The importance of using a unified number 9200 for your organization

The unified number 9200 is one of the most prominent elements necessary for operating modern call centers. As it provides many advantages for institutions and commercial activities and adds value to your company.

We can mention the importance of using a unified number for institutions and commercial activities in some points and briefly as follows:-

Professional brand.

Connecting your establishment branches.

Many advantages and options for calling

Professional Brand

Using Unified number in Saudi Arabia for your establishment or business gives an impression to your target customers that they are dealing with a professional organization and a strong brand that they value and would like to provide them with the best possible service and technical support.

Connecting the branches of the institution

The unified number 9200 allows you to connect all the branches of your establishment or business branches through an easy-to-remember number which enables you to make and receive all calls to all your business branches.

This feature makes communication with customers faster, easier, and more professional. And it also makes communication between employees and managers easier.

Many features and options for calling

The unified number 9200 allows the call center and customer service employees of your establishment or business to communicate with your target customers with many options and professional features for calling that enable you to communicate with the number required of target customers at the same time and the lowest costs.

Among the most important of these advantages are the following:-

Waiting feature

Call recording feature

Automated answering service and voicemail

Waiting Feature

The Unified number in Saudi Arabia allows you to activate the waiting Feature of the call center system of your establishment or business call center.

This feature allows you to put several callers on waiting lists when all customer service staff is busy responding to customer inquiries and problems.

You can also take advantage of the waiting feature provided by the Bevatel cloud Call Center system to display many voice messages that include offers, services, products, business hours, and other details that you want to tell your customers.

Call Recording Feature

The cloud call center system and the Bevatel unified number 9200 from Bevatel allow you to activate the call recording feature and export the recordings for the last 30 days.

These recordings help you follow the workflow of your organization's call center or business and evaluate and develop the performance of customer service and technical support staff.

IVR and Voicemail

The unified number 9200 allows you to activate the IVR feature. Then, you can respond to customer inquiries and problems through multiple previously recorded voice messages.

Through the Bevatel cloud call center system, you can activate the IVR feature through your unified number. And then callers can get answers to their inquiries regarding your services and products.

The Unified number in Saudi Arabia also allows you to operate the voice mail service through the cloud call center system of your establishment or business call center.

Customers can leave their complaints, inquiries, or problems in one or more voice messages through the voice mail service. And then, one of the specialized employees will contact them and respond to their inquiries and complaints.

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